Small Business Financing Lawyer in Florida

在佛罗里达州开办或发展一家企业需要很多企业手头根本没有的财力, so they have to consider other options. Finding the right way to finance the business is critical. Likewise, avoiding mistakes will help prevent delays.

At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.A,竞技宝体育竞猜在迈阿密的商业律师戴德帮助企业,不管他们的生命周期. If you are a start-up, a small business looking to scale, or an already-established family-owned corporation, 竞技宝体育竞猜将协助您发现和获得正确的资金支持,以推动您的业务和实现您的目标. Contact us at 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询,并了解更多关于竞技宝体育竞猜所有的商业法律服务.

Types of Business Financing in Florida

When starting or running a business, one of the most important questions is how you intend to fund it. If you don't have sufficient money yourself, then there are several other financing options you can consider. 

Debt Financing

Debt financing involves borrowing funds from a creditor. 这些资金必须带着利息偿还,通常是通过定期预先支付的方式. Bank loans are a common example of debt financing. Debt financing options can be both short- or long-term, depending on the intended purpose of the money.  

一些债权人要求债务有担保或附有抵押品. 这是一项资产,债权人可以使用在你不能偿还和拖欠贷款的情况下. 

Different sources of debt financing include:

  • 传统或非传统银行,包括贷款、信用额度和信用卡
  • Commercial finance companies
  • Debt crowdfunding
  • Peer-to-peer lending
  • Bonds

一些政府项目或机构也为寻求债务融资的小企业提供援助. For example, the Small Business Administration backs loans from certain banks, making it easier for small business owners to access capital. 

Equity Financing

股权融资涉及个人或公司投资你的企业,以换取拥有一定比例的股份. Unlike debt financing, investors are not repaid. Instead, they receive some of your business profits. 

Investments can come from:

  • Angel investors
  • Venture capitalists
  • Investment banks
  • Large corporations
  • Equity crowdfunding

Equity financing can be complex. 它要求发行会员单位(对于有限责任公司)或股票(对于公司)。. 

Other Types of Financing

In addition to debt and equity financing, 如果小型企业达到一定的标准,联邦政府和州政府将向它们提供一系列针对特定行业的补助. 

Leasing is another alternative to equity or debt financing. 当你需要一件大型设备或场地来开始你的小生意,但不能直接购买时,它通常是可用的. 

许多企业将不同类型的融资组合在一起. 每种类型的融资都有潜在的优势、劣势和风险. For this reason, 在选择之前,向商业律师和财务顾问寻求法律建议是很重要的. 


债务融资和股权融资都有利有弊. 了解从每种类型的企业融资中期望得到什么是很重要的. Likewise, keep in mind that each financing situation is unique, and so not all benefits or disadvantages will apply.

Debt Financing Pros

债务融资的一个主要优点是,它允许你保留对你的业务的完全控制. 与股权融资不同,你不会放弃任何所有权来换取投资. 

Debt financing involves an arms-length arrangement. 贷款的明确条款意味着还款是可预测的,可以很容易地进行预算. 还有一个明确的结束日期,标志着双方商业关系的终止. 

The interest you pay on debt financing is also tax deductible. 

Debt Financing Cons

通过债务融资,你必须用现金偿还贷款和利息. 这会限制你的现金流,这在创业初期是很困难的.   

Debt financing also relies on a good credit rating. If you do not have one, it can be harder to obtain. 拖欠商业贷款也会对你未来的信用评级产生影响. 

债务融资也可能有风险,特别是如果贷款人需要担保. They may want to guarantee your loan with a personal asset. 

Equity Financing Pros

股权融资提供了一种不需要负债或支付利息的资金来源. 没有新的债务和利息支付应该会导致现金流增加, which can be reinvested in the business and not to debt repayment. 

股权融资还能让你获得潜在的大量资本, which is helpful for scaling up a business quickly. 如果你想和你的投资者建立长期的商业关系,这是一个不错的选择, and they are interested in jointly building a business with you. 

Equity Financing Cons

As the business owner, 通过股权融资,你失去了对企业的部分所有权,从而失去了对企业的控制权. Investors may expect to have a say in how the business is run, which can lead to complicated and time-consuming arrangements. 

Equity financing also typically requires extra administration, such as regular reporting to investors. Finally, if your friends or family invest and the business does not succeed, this failure can lead to strained personal relationships. 

How a Business Financing Attorney Can Help in Florida

商业律师可以成为你业务发展的战略伙伴. Alongside other business law services, 竞技宝体育竞猜在佛罗里达州的商业律师可以帮助您获得融资并将风险降至最低.

  1. Planning. A business financing lawyer will review your finances, business goals, 和融资选择,以确定哪些是最符合您的短期和长期的财务需求.
  2. Applying. 商业融资律师将收集支持文件,以及审查和帮助完成正确的表格.
  3. Securing. 企业融资律师可以帮助您正确及时地提交企业融资申请或表格,以确保资金.

由此可见企业融资的各种利弊, a lot of factors must be considered. 你要确保你有充分的计划,适当的申请,并及时获得适当的资金. Doing so will help you avoid delays and grow your business.

Contact a Business Financing Attorney in Miami-Dade Today 

You want your business on a strong financial footing, especially given the current volatility in the market. 如果你想建立一个坚实的基础,联系亚伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所.A today. 竞技宝体育竞猜在佛罗里达州的商业法律律师可以通过使用在线表格或打电话竞技宝体育竞猜 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free Phone Consultation. We look forward to doing business with you.

Areas we Serve in Florida

竞技宝体育竞猜服务的客户遍及佛罗里达州,包括以下地区:迈阿密戴德县,包括阿文图拉, Miami, Coral Gables, Doral, Hialeah, Homestead, Kendall, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, Miami Lakes, North Miami, Tamiami, Westchester, and North Miami Beach; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach


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